(LATEST 2024 / 2025 )
1. An underweight middle school student is seen negotiating for food fromother students.
This student regularly falls asleep in class, complains of headaches, and is unfocused and
unmotivated. Based on this description, which area of development of this student should be
addressed?: Physical Needs
2. A student who is oversensitive to stimuli has difficulty following multistepdirections,
frequently asks for information to be repeated, and is easily distracted from assigned tasks.
What are the learning needs of a student with this type of sensory processing disorder?:
Reduction of distractions
3. The language and cultural barrier of a middle school-aged English learner(EL) from a
socialist country causes the student to struggle in an U.S. historyclass. The student has
difficulty with abstract social science concepts and terminology. Which approach would
address the learning needs of this student?: Provide concrete examples to clarify difficult
vocabulary and ideas
4. What is a key concept of B. F. Skinner's operant conditioning in behavioraltheory?: Good
behavior can be encouraged by continual positive reinforcement.
5. What is a key concept of the humanistic theory of learning?: People areinnately good.
6. Which key concept is associated with the constructivism theory of learning?: Interactive
7. Which theoretical learning approach aligns to playing trivia games toreview class
material?: Information processing theory
8. A teacher has a large group of students to assess. The teacher wants to accurately assess
the knowledge students have in a fairly short amount oftime. Which type of assessment should
this teacher use?: Short answer
9. A teacher wants to know how students apply the things they learned overtime and in
different ways. Which type of assessment should this teacher use?: Portfolio performance
10. A teacher wants to understand students' mastery of a concept and wantssome subjectivity
in grading.How should the teacher assessin thisscenario?-
: Have students complete a constructed-response question
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