PTCB Study Guide Version 3
1. Receiving Record for Schedule II Drugs
Answer: DEA Form 222
2. Orders using Form 222 must not be filled ifthe orderis not complete,legible,or proper
Answer: Title 21 C.F.R
3. When must the pharmacy wait before notifying the DEA of theft of controlledsubstance
Answer: One business day
4. Form to report theft or loss of controlled substances
Answer: DEA Form 106
5. Disposing of controlled substances
Answer: DEA Form 41
6. protect DEA registrants against robbery or theft
Answer: Controlled Substance Registrant Protection Act of 1984 (CSRPA)
7. Records every medication ordered for a patient over a 24 hour period
Answer: MAR
8. Compiles medical records
Answer: Electronic Medical Record
9. Regulatory Body responsible for surveying and accrediting healthcare organizations every
3 years
Answer: JCAHO
10. The Omnibus Budget Reconcilation Act of 1990 required pharmacists toperform (blank)
for Medicaid patients
Answer: Drug Therapy Review & Counseling
11. The Omnibus Reconcilation Act of 1990 requires that pharmacist counselwhich type of
Answer: Medicaid
12. Recall class that may cause temporary but reversible adverse effects onpatients
Answer: Class 2 Drugs
13. FDA reporting program that encourages health care professionals to re-port adverse
effects that occur from the use of approved drugs.
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