Arthrex module 6 | Questions and Answers A+ Grade
What is the angle of the apollo hook probe - ✔✔90
What is the largest arthroscopic segment for bipolar RF products - ✔✔Shoulder
What is the default ablation setting of the MP90 and XL90 - ✔✔7
the bipolar ablation breaks down tissue by the following processes - ✔✔Chemical reaction- gently
breaks down tissue at the molecular level
What feature does the synergyRF bipolar ablation system have that none of the competitors have? -
✔✔integrates with the synergy imaging system
What is the size of the FiberWire suture used in the PARS kit - ✔✔#2
Which lateral ankle ligament is repaird with the brostrom repair with internal brace augmentation -
The ridge of the bone that separates the anteromedial and Posteromedial bundles of the ACL in the
femur is - ✔✔Bifurcate ridge
What was the main objective in the development of the internal brace implant
-Biomechanically adequate to encourage healing without replacing ligament
Quick recovery and safer mobility
No need for casting - ✔✔All above
What is the primary purpose of the lavage function - ✔✔Remove debris
A meniscus tear in what area is least likely to heal - ✔✔White white
T/F The PCL inhibits posterior translation of the tibia - ✔✔T
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