NSG 527 Final Exam: Study Guide
The Resiliency Model of Family Stress, Adjustment, and Adaptation is
based on 4 assumptions
(AnsIt is normal for families to face hardships and make changes to adapt.
Families develop strengths to protect members from major disruptions.
Families develop coping mechanisms and defense strategies with change.
Families benefit and contribute to communities at times of stress and crisis.
Interacting variables in Hill's Family Stress Theory
(AnsA: Event and related hardships B: Crises in meeting the hardships. C: How
the family defines the event: The crises or noncrisis2.The adjustment
phase post-crisis Disorganizations, recovery, reorganization
Hill's Family Stress Theory (ABCX Model)
(AnsFocus is on the precrisis stage
Landmark family stress theory
Developed by Hill and named the ABCX Model
A, B, C, X are variables that interact and lead to family crisis or noncrisis
Antistress Period
(Ans- Occurs prior to confronting the stressor; anticipation; if the stressor is
identified early coping strategies can be identified to lessen the impact.
Actual Stress Period
(Ans- Increased energy required by family members to cope with
stressor(s); basic survival methods can be used at this time which may
include intrafamilial and spiritual resources.
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