1. A patient reports a feeling of fullness and pain in both ears and the practitioner elicits exquisite pain
when manipulating the external ear structures. What is the likely diagnosis Acute otitis externa
2. A 17-year-old has a complaint of ear pain. If he has otitis externa, which complaint is most likely/most
common? Tragal pain
3. A patient presents to your clinic with a painless red eye. Her vision is normal, but her sclera has a blood
red area. What is this termed? Subconjunctival hemorrhage
4. A patient has nasal congestion, fever, purulent nasal discharge, headache, and facial pain and begins
treatment with amoxicillin-clavulanate. At a follow-up visit 10 days after initiation of treatment, the
patient continuesto have purulent discharge, congestion, and facial pain without fever. Whatisthe next
course of action for this patient? A second course of amoxicillin-clavulanate
5. A patient reports a sudden onset of sore throat, fever, malaise, and cough. The provider notes mild
erythema of the pharynx and clear rhinorrhea without cervical lymphadenopathy. What is the most
likely cause of these symptoms? Viral pharyngitis
6. A patient comes to an emergency department with chest pain. The patient describes the pain is sharp and
stabbing and reports that it has been present for several weeks. Upon questioning, the examiner
determinesthat the pain is worse after eating. The patient reports getting relief after taking a friend’s
nitroglycerin during one episode. What is the most likely cause of this chest pain?orrect! Esophageal
7. An adult develops chronic cough with episodes of wheezing and shortness of breath. The provider
performs chest radiography and other tests and rules out infection, upper respiratory, and
gastroesophageal causes. Which test will the provider order initially to evaluate the possibility of asthma
as the cause of these symptoms? Spirometry
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