The care of patients and families across the life span with needs related to human sexuality, childbearing, congenital anomalies, genetic
disorders and male/female reproductive disorders is the focus of this content. Evidence-based, culturally sensitive nursing care, standards
ofprofessional nursing practice, as well as ethical, legal and regulatory requirements are addressed. Principles, concepts, and theories
from thenatural and social sciences in relation to safe, quality nursing care are applied to patients and families across the lifespan.
All Phase I requirements, Written English, Life Span Developmental Psychology, Sociology, Anatomy & Physiology, Microbiology,
andCollege- level Math
Course Outline
I. Human Sexuality and the Reproductive Cycle
A. Sexual and Reproductive Health
1. Sexual Health
a. Developmental factors (for example: age-related changes occurring through the life cycle).
b. Cultural diversity (for example: consider how different types of sexual expression are influenced by religious beliefs,
considerhow male and female roles may differ).
c. Factors affecting the sexual response cycle (for example: erectile dysfunction, dyspareunia).
d. Sexually transmitted infections [STIs] (for example: differentiate the signs & symptoms, treatment options and prognosis
ofviral versus bacterial STIs; patient education relative to practicing safe sex).
e. Variations in sexual orientation (for example: consider how the sexual and reproductive health care needs are being met
forthe lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender [LGBT] population).
f. Treatment modalities (for example: medications used to treat alterations in the sexual response cycle
[androgens,phosphodiesterase (PDE)-5 Inhibitors] and sexually transmitted infections [anti-infectives]).
2. Reproductive Health
a. Normal female reproductive development (for example: consider the anatomy and physiology of the menstrual
cycleincluding the various hormonal responses).
b. Alterations in female reproductive function (for example: menstrual disorders, menopause, polycystic ovary
syndrome[PCOS] endometriosis, fibroid tumors, cystocele, rectocele, vaginal prolapse).
c. Normal male reproductive development (for example: consider the anatomy and physiology of sperm production,
includinghormonal responses).
d. Alterations in male reproductive function (for example: benign prostate hypertrophy [BPH], impotence, low sperm count).
e. Contraception methods (for example: consider the advantages and disadvantages of barrier, pharmacological, surgical,
andnon- pharmacological methods of contraception).
f. Preconception health (for example: lifestyle choices, reproductive life plan).
g. Subfertility (for example: consider the diagnostic evaluation for possible male and female infertility or subfertility,
considerthe different options for assistive reproductive technology [ART]).
h. Treatment modalities (for example: medical management including non-surgical devices, exercises, and medications
usedfor altered reproductive function; hormone-based contraceptives, spermicides, hormone therapy, antiandrogens,
alpha- adrenergic blocking agents, ovulation stimulant, surgery, complementary and alternative therapy).
B.Management of patient care: apply the nursing process to make nursing judgments, substantiated with evidence, to provide
safe,quality patient care to meet the sexual and reproductive health care needs of clients across the life cycle.
1. Assessment: collection of comprehensive patient-centered data to be used as the basis for identifying sexual and
reproductivehealth needs.
a. Conduct a patient-centered sexual and reproductive health history (for example: consider age, developmental level,
gender identification, menarche, age at onset of becoming sexually active, number of sexual partners, pregnancies,
consider alcoholconsumption, use of drugs, nutrition and exposure to teratogens, elective termination of pregnancy).
b. Conduct focused assessment related to sexual and reproductive health status (for example: reproductive life plan,
riskfactors for sexual maltreatment, rape or intimate partner violence in a relationship).
c. Assess for presence of potentia
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