1. 1st Degree Child Abuse: Parent, Guardian, CustodianIntentional Act
Serious Physical or Mental Harm to the Child
2. 2nd Degree Child Abuse: Parent, Guardian, CustodianNegligent Act
Serious Physical or Mental Harm to the Child
3. 3rd Degree Child Abuse: Parent, Guardian, CustodianIntentional Act
Causes or Could Case Physical or Mental Harm
4. 4th Degree Child Abuse: Parent, Guardian, CustodianNegligent Act
Causes or Could Cause Physical or Mental Harm
5. Childs Overall Health and Well Being: Physical Abuse
6. Food, Clothing, Shelter: Neglect
7. Emotional Abuse: Abuse
8. Inappropriate Sexualized Behaviors: CSC
9. Main Question During Child Abuse Investigations: Is there an ImminentThreat to the
Health and Safety of the Child?
10. There is an ImminentThreat to the Health and Safety of the Child: You haveLegal
Authority to Remove the Child
11. There is Not an ImminentThreat to the Health and Safety of the Child: Writea Report,
Follow Up with Detectives and CPS
12. SIDS: Death of a Child under the Age of 1 where there is no other sign orindicator
13. CPSTimeline: Have to Place Eyes on the Child within 24 Hours
14. Child Safe Delivery Law: Parents can Give Up their Children, To AuthorizedPersons
Including Police, Fire, Paramedics, or Hospital
15. Child Safe Delivery Law: Requirements: Child must be Under 72 Hours OldHave to Fill
Out Paperwork
16. Levels of Resistance: Inactive ResistancePassive Resistance
Active ResistanceActive AggressionDeadly Force
17. Inactive Resistance: Psychological Intimidation or Verbal Resistance
18. Inactive Resistance: Actions: Body Language or Verbal
19. Passive Resistance: Any type of Resistance where the Subject does not at- tempt to defeat
the officers butstill will not comply with verbal and physical attemptsto control
20. Passive Resistance: Actions: Verbal Actions
21. Active Resistance: Any action that attempts to prevent an officer from gainingcontrol of
the subject
22. Active Resistance: Actions: Pulling Away
23. Active Aggression: Physical Actions or Assaults Against Officer
24. Active Aggression: Actions: Fighting
25. Deadly Force: Attempting to Cause Death or GBH
26. Officer Responses: Officer Presence / Verbal DirectionCompliance Controls
Physical Controls Intermediate ControlsDeadly Force
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