ISA Certified Arborist Exam Chlorophyll - Makes the color or the leaves green so photosynthesis can take place Transpiration - loss of water vapor from leaves Bark - protects branches & trunk of tree from injury Excurrent Growth - Orientation of growth in external cell M.A.D.HORSE - Opposite leaf arrangement MAPLE ASH DOGWOOD HORSECHESTNUT pH - Measure of acidity or alkaline from 0 to 14 <7 acidic 7> Alkaline 7 Neutral Decurrent Growth - rounded or broader tree growth Deciduous - loss of leaves in the fall Respiration - process of converting food into energy Stomata - pours in leaves that open and close to allow for water transportation Xylem - transportation for the water and minerals throughout the tree Phloem - Conducts Carbohydrates Osmosis - Process how water enters roots Organic Matter - organic components that are decaying matter to help increase water holding & nutrients to improve soil structure Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) - measure of soils capacity to attract, retain & exchange a positive charge Girdling Roots - roots that grow across or around the trunk, potentially choking off vascular tissues in a tree. May cause decline or death Taxonomy - Classification of plants Levels of Classification - Kingdom > Phylum > Class > Order > Family > Genus > Species > Specific epithet Angiosperm - flowering plant Gymnosperm - Cone bearing plants and gingco Cultivar - Cultivated Variety for a tree/shrub Monocot - one seed leaf Drill Hole Method - aerates the soil 2-4 inches into ground around drip line and uses granular fertilizer. Surface Application - applied fertilizer over surface using spreader Apical Meristems - located at the end of the shoot Apical Dominance - tendency for terminal buds to inhibit growth of lateral buds CODIT - Compartmentalization Of Decay In Trees or 4 Steps trees use to heal itself from decay Photosynthesis - process that a tree/plant uses to create food/energy Leaves - Food factories Cambium - layer of cells located between the phloem & xylem Urea-formalehyde - slow, soluble, synthetic fertilizer Leaching - washing out of chemicals through soil Organic Fertilization - organic materials that are carbon based that decompose slowly Susceptible/Pest Resistant - cultivar selected to be adept from a disease or problem Chlorosis - yellowing veins within the leaf from mineral loss Fertilizer Analysis - the % listed on the container for the fert. Complete Fertilizer - Nitro phosphorus & potassium listed (NPK) Planting Specifications - detailed plans & statements for landscape Evergreen - maintain leaves throughout the seasons Mycorrhizae - fungus roots Macropores - air filled soil Rhizosphere - soil zone immediately surrounding roots Field Capacity - soil after gravitational water has drained Buffering Capacity - ability to maintain pH Gravitational Water - water that drains from the macropores Meristems - part of the root that gets it get bigger Micropores - tend to be water filled soil particles Clay - fine textured soil particles; greater water holding capability Control of growth - genetic potentials & environmental surroundings Root Pruning - pre-digging to create a more densely rooted ball Sand - course textured particles Nitrogen - component of chlorophyll & makes plant material grow faster/greener Infiltration Rate - rate at which water soaks into soil Water Holding Capacity - amount of water held in soil after drainage occures Soil Testing - provides info about the pH of a soil & can tell you how much or how little fert. is needed Acclimation - gradual process by which a tree changes in its environment Slow Release Ferts - release nutrients & nitrogen slowly over a period of time into the soil Nomenclature - naming of plants Macronutrient - elements like copper, chlorine, boron required by trees in large quantities Injections - introduces fert. directly into xylem of tree Liquid Injection - hydraulic spraying method into soil Hardiness - ability of a tree to withstand low temps & winter stress Compartmentalization - natural process of defense in trees by which they wall off decay in wood Co-dominate Stems - when 2 stems of the qual size arise from a union Topping - cutting off the crown of a tree Cations - elements dissolved into water that become positively charged particles Dicotyledon - two seed leaves at germination
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