CNOR Certified Nurse Operating Room/Certified Perioperative Nurse Test
How do you do self-gowning and gloving relief members for a
surgical team?
Most effective way to reduce possibility of contamination of sterile
field during induction, positioning and prep of patient
Metal instruments stored with rubber protective tips need to be
sterilized with this method
Four laparoscopic tubal ligations have been scheduled for the
same day. ONE OF THE FOUR AVAILABLE laparoscopes is
contaminated during the preparation for thr 2nd tubal ligation.
The laparoscopes will not withstand steam sterilization. In this
situation, what would be the most appropriate course of action?
The bowie-dick test is used to determine the steam sterilizer for
A prosthesis is contaminated during an orthopedic case and a
suitable replacement is not immediately available. How should this
prosthesis be decontaminated?
A chemical indicator included in the instruments processed in
a gravity displacement steam sterilizer indicates that the instruments are --------
solution to flush before sterilization
Type of sterilizer that must be tested with a Bowie-Dick chemical
indicator daily
Open sterile gown and gloves on a separate surface using aseptic
Surgical field should be covered during high activity in the OR
Remove the rubber tips and sterilize the instruments for 3 min @
Inform the surgeon of the potential compromise in the 4th patient's
care and explore alternate solutions.
This is to check if the vacuum is working properly
Flash sterilize @ 270 F for 10 min with both chemical and biologExposed to the sterilizing conditions
Distilled water
Dynamaic air removal
How often should the OR be terminally cleaned regardless of
whether or not it was used?
The sterilization for immediate use parameters for metal or nonporous instruments with no lumens in a gravity displacement
sterilizer are 270 to 275 for
Type of extinguisher to be used if disposable paper drapes ignite
Improper deflation of a pneumatic antishock garment could result
to this.
Once during each 24 hour period during the regularly scheduled
work week
3 minutes
Class ABC
Hypovolemic shock
Signs of adverse reaction to local anesthesia
Normal value for potassium
Three main function of stomach
Most important lab value to assess for patient taking Hydrochlorothiazide(HCTZ)
sign to observe for patient being treated for cardiac tamponade
A standarlized approach to hand-off communication is a requirement of the JC to
Most common type of necrotizing fascitis
In relation to transcultural needs of the patient, it is important to
include needs in the nursing assessment
Best option for a patient to use needing long term dialysis
what does it mean if there is elevated white blood counts
A preoperative nursing assessment should be conducted by RN
at what point?
Have the greatest risk for developing intraoperative hypothermia
Causes patient to experience a phenomenon know as "tourniquet
Procedures of the head and neck area carry an increased risk of
fire due to this.
numbness around the mouth
3.5 - 5.0 mEq/L
motor, secretory and endocrine
jugular vein distention
reduce the risk of error
type 2
arteriovenous shunt
acute infection
before the surgery
Older patients and those undergoing or major regional anesthesia
for longer than 1 hour
tourniquet inflation times between 30-60 minutes
presence of an oxygen-enriched environment
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