ASEP Sports and First Aid Test Actual Exam with Questions and Answers Recently Updated
Which of the following actions can an athletic trainer perform to assist with injury or
illness prevention? --------- CORRECT ANSWER ----- develop individualized preseason conditioning programs
If lightning occurs within 30 seconds after it thunders, you may continue outdoor sports
activities. --------- CORRECT ANSWER ----- false
The golf team is caught on the course in a thunderstorm. They should.. ---------
CORRECT ANSWER ----- seek shelter in a building
To enhance fluid absorption by the stomach, a sports drink should have 14 to 17
percent carbohydrates --------- CORRECT ANSWER ----- true
Participating in a sport first aid course will adequately prepare you to be a first
responder for the rest of your coaching career --------- CORRECT ANSWER ----- false
Which of the following forms asks for information about medical conditions such as
allergies? --------- CORRECT ANSWER ----- emergency info card
A coach's legal duties include --------- CORRECT ANSWER ----- matching athletes
according to size and skill level, supervising activities, and warning about inherent
risks;all of the above
Whose role is it to watch for an athletic injury or illness? --------- CORRECT ANSWER ----- coach, athlete, parents, and athletic trainer
ATC's are nationally certified allied health professionals trained specifically in athletic
injury and illness --------- CORRECT ANSWER ----- prevention, recognition, treatment,
After a physician has evaluated an injured athlete, the athlete should be taught rehab
exercises by a coach --------- CORRECT ANSWER ----- True Growth plates are --------- CORRECT ANSWER ----- located at the ends of bones
While performing the emergency action steps for a responsive athlete, you ask if she's
okay, and she responds "yes," but she is gasping and clutching her throat. Your next
action should be to --------- CORRECT ANSWER ----- encourage the athlete to cough
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