A chef with average weekly earnings of $1300 per week is injured on May
16, 2010. After this period of TTD, he returns to work part time earnings
$450 per week. What is the correct wage loss TD rate: A) $566.67 B)
$850.00 C) $866.67 D) $986.69
Verified Answer -Answer: A) 566.67....$1300 - $450= $850 x 1.5 (2/3) =
the injured worker is a maximum earner for an injury July 21, 2006. you are
making a payment of TD in august 2008. what is the correct TD rate?: A)
Maximum TD rate for an injury in 2006 B) $840.00 C) Maximum TD for an
injury in 2008 D) TD computed in accordance with the TD rate in effect on
the date of the payment.
Verified Answer -Answer: D)
A safeway employee breaks his leg while working in 2010 and has 10
weeks of TTD. He is a max earner, recovers fully and has no permanent
impairment. How do you reserve this claim for indemnity. A) $6000 B)
$7500 C) $9900 D) $16000
Verified Answer -Answer: c) $9900... 10 weeks x $986.69 (max in 2010) =
you receive an Employer's First Report of Injury (5020) but accurate weekly
wages cannot be determined. How do you determine the TD accordingly.
A) pay min TD B) pay Max TD C) Delay payment of TD and request a wage
statement D) average actual weekly earnings and pay TD accordingly.
Verified Answer -Answer: D)
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