Song China gov 1200-1450 - ANS-- confucianism
- civil service exam
- meritocracy/scholar gentry
Song China culture 1200-1450 - ANS-- Neo-Confucianism
- Mandate of Heaven given by gods towards Kings
- Mahayana, Thervada, Tibetan Buddhism
Song China economy 1200-1450 - ANS-- Flying cash bank reserves
- Grand canal linked south river to north
- Iron metallurgy and coal reserves for iron goods
- Silk Road and Indian Ocean, limited Joint stock
- Champa rice allowed for harvests
- Tribute system from Korea
Song China social 1200-1450 - ANS-- partriarchal society
- foot binding for women
- song gov made hospitals and gave aid to poor
- filial piety
- artisan class who worked with porcelain exports
- free peasant labor and merchants into guilds
Japan 1200-1450 - ANS-Feudalism. Decentralized. Landowning aristocrats. Daimyo.
rice farming. Shogun emerges 1192
Korea 1200-1450 - ANS-- Tribute to China. Centralized. Confucian and Buddhist. -
Powerful aristocracy
Dar Al Islam culture 1200-1450 - ANS-- Sufi missionaries and hindu low caste. avoid
- Delhi destroyed hindu temples Gujarat with mosques
- Mosques like Qutub Minar built
- Quran teachings. Mansa Musa built mosques
- Greek writings converted to Islam about science
Dar Al Islam social 1200-1450 - ANS-- House of Wisdom Baghdad, thinkers, like
- Women prosperous, cash settlement & inherit property
- Qadis or judges
- Ulamas were people with religious knowledge
Dar Al Islam gov 1200-1450 - ANS-- Sultan on top
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