LOPEZ has heard that he can sign up for a product called MA, but is not sure about what type of plan
designs are available through this program
(MA plan, types)
ANSWER : They are Medicare health plans such as HMO, PPO, PFFS, SNP AND MSA
WHALEN is trying to understand the difference between Original Medicare and MA.
(MA vs Original Medicare)
ANSWER : MA is a way of covering ALL of the Original Medicare benefits through private health
insurance companies.
During a sales presentation in Ms. Sully's home, she tells you that she has hearing about a type of
Medicare plan known as PFFS. She wants to know if this would be available to her.
ANSWER : A PFFS plan is one of various types of MA plans offered by private entities and she may enroll
in one if it is available in her area.
RADFORD asks whether there are any special eligibility requirement s for MA
(MA requirements/eligibility)
ANSWER : Mrs. Radford MUST be entitled to Part A and enrolled in Part B to enroll in MA.
BASS lives on a limited fixed income and is concerned about the cost of healthcare. What should you tell
her about the sort of help available to low income individuals under the Medicare program?
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