AACN PCCN Practice Exam | graded A+| Updated & Verified | Latest Update
who is at risk for MDRO infection - ✔✔patients with severe disease, including compromised host
defenses from underlying medical conditions, recent surgery, or indwelling medical devices (ex: foleys or
ET tubes)
what are classic signs of cardiac tamponade? - ✔✔hypotension, narrowing pulse pressure, tachycardia
with weak, thready pulse, and tachypnea
what arrhythmia is mitral valve insufficiency associated with? - ✔✔afib
what defines oliguira? - ✔✔less than 500 ml of output per day
what does renal failure result in? - ✔✔acidosis
what type of HF are patients with OSA at risk for? - ✔✔right-sided HF
what is one of the hallmark features of pancreatitis? - ✔✔dehydration
what is treatment for pancreatitis? - ✔✔hydration, maintenance of electrolyte balance, nutritional
what is unstable angina characterized by? - ✔✔new onset pain or increase in frequency/duration of
pain. pain generally lasts 15-30 minutes. may be experienced at low exertion or rest and pain tends not
to respond to SL nitro. symptoms may be accompanied by diaphoresis or dyspnea.
what is stable angina characterized by? - ✔✔pain on exertion or stress that is relieved by rest or SL
Nitro. pain generally does not increase in severity over time
what characterizes an acute MI? - ✔✔constant, severe pain and may be accompanied by nausea,
weakness, fatigue, anxiety. not relieved with rest, duration exceeds 30 minutes.
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