1. A fifth-grade student is having difficulty listening and retaining information.The teacher
notices that the student looks pale and has brittle hair andnails. Which physical barrier is likely
affecting this student's learning and performance?: Nutrition
2. A fourth-grade student complains of headaches, stomach pain, and nausea.The teacher
notices the student seems anxious and has difficulty focusing. Based on this information,
which barrier is likely affecting this student'slearning and performance?: Stress
3. A high school teacher notices a sudden drop in a student's grades anda change in the way
the student dresses for school. Which developmentalbarrier is likely affecting this student's
performance?: Peer pressure
4. While solving a multistep math problem, a student forgets the second andthird steps while
implementing the first. During reading, the student often forgets what was at the beginning of
the paragraph before reaching the end of a paragraph.Which memory deficit islikely affecting
this student's learningand performance?: Working Memory
5. An Asian third-grade student is getting average grades in math and English. However,
when asked to participate in discussions, the student does notmake eye contact and is silent for
long periods of time. Which factor is likelyaffecting this student's learning and performance?:
Different cultural norms
6. Due to family circumstances, a high-performing student suffers from in- adequate sleep.
Which learning and performance impact would be consistentwith the student in this scenario?:
Decreased ability to focus
7. An extremely intelligent middle school student does not complete work, is suspicious of
those who want to be friendly, and is very judgmental of others. A teacher hears the student
speak about hating the school and refersthe student to the guidance counselor for poor selfesteem. How does poor self-esteem affect learning and performance?: It decreases the
willingness to take risks.
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