Unit 1.1
you are not expected to know the answers to all of the questions; however, you can utilize previous knowledge to
predict rational answers. This also me&sures your pre-existing knowledge on the course topiePart 1. Attention-getting strategies. Check which ones are allowed.
a. tap lightly the person's shoulder with a pointer/index finger
b. spray water at a deaf Person
on the floor, stomp on the floor
d. scream their name as loudly as you can
e. throw something within the Deaf person's view
f. get someone who sits next to the targeted persor to direct his/her atiention to the signer.
g. Tap frrmly, but gently, on the person's shoulder
h. flick the light switch to get a Deaf person's attention
i. wave in the Deaf person's face
j. wait patiently until that person sees you
Part2. Read the statement and circle if the statement is True or False.
fu Fake 9. In despite of the misconception that leaming ASL is,easy, in truth, ASL is a
\-/ difficult language to master.
False 10. As a general rule of thumb, language immersion is almost always the best
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} 1 Copyright @2}fi-2017 TRUE+WAY ASL
True fFalse \ 1.
/frue)False 2. \--z ---1 True (FalseJ 3.
If I am ambidextrous, I can switch my hands back and forth when I stgn.
The signing space is from the top of your head to the waist and elbow to elbow.
Most Deaf people also voice sounds such as "Hrnmm" to indicate that slhe is
fol I owing the conversation.
When a signer sigps, the proper way is to watch where the signer's hands are.
The best seating arrangemeut for learning ASL are desks placed in a horseshoe
shapeASL is indigenous to the US only.
ASL is similar to Braille.
. The majority of sims are ffansparent where non-signers can usually correctly
guess the meaning.
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