TNCC Test Prep
Questions And Answers 100% correct
Expedite transfer to the closest trauma center ✔✔A 56 y/o M pt involved in a motor vehicle
crash is brought to the ED of a rural critical access facility. He complains of neck pain, SOB, and
diffuse abd pain. His GCS is 15. His VS: BP 98/71, HR 125, RR 26, SpO2 94% on high-flow O2
via NRB mask. Which of the following is the priority intervention for this patient?
a pertinent medical hx is crucial ✔✔Which of the following considerations is the most important
when caring for a geriatric trauma pt?
Mitigation ✔✔Following a review of recent drills and a real disaster event, a hospital has
identified deficiencies and is taking steps to minimize the impact of a future disaster . Which
phase of the disaster life cycle does this describe?
Smell of ETOH on breath ✔✔EMS brings a pt who fell while riding his bicycle. Using the
American College of Surgeobs screening guidelines, which assessment finding would prompt the
RN to prepare the pt for a radiologic spine clearance?
hemoglobin does not readily release O2 for use by the tissues ✔✔What is the effect of
hypothermia on the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve?
acidosis ✔✔Which of the following is a component of the trauma triad of death?
Complete ✔✔EMS brings a pt from MVC. VS: BP 90/49, HR 48, RR 12, temp 97.2F (36.2 C).
The pt exhibits urinary incontinence and priapism. These assessment findings are most consistent
with which of the following types of spinal cord injury?
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