Solution Manual For Electrical Wiring Industrial 18th Edition Stephen L. Herman, Derrick Atkins Chapter 1-20
All answers should be written in complete sentences, and calculations should be
shown in detail.
1. In a set of construction drawings, where would an electrician find
information about the location and placement of a building? ________________
2. From information on the composite site plan, where is the lowest area on the
site and what is the elevation? ________________________________________
3. What device is generally used to measure length on a plot or building plan? ___
4. What would be the elevation, at the pole, of the bottom of a trench being dug
to install telephone service using rigid nonmetallic conduit? ________________
5. Which of the methods for measuring ground resistance is used to measure
resistance over a wide area? _________________________________________
6. What is the difference, in SI units, between the lowest and the highest
contours? ________________________________________________________
To answer the following questions, examine the composite site plan, the north
and west elevations, the site plan symbols, and the NEC.
7. What is the elevation of the manhole rim where the benchmark is
established? ______________________________________________________
8. What is the elevation of the first floor of the industrial building? ____________
9. What is the vertical distance from the manhole rim to the first floor of the
industrial building? (Measure in decimal feet.) __________________________
10. What is the vertical distance from the manhole rim to the first floor of the
industrial building, measured in feet and inches accurate to 1⁄16 inch? _______
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