1. How many days does a sponsor have to report an emergency use of an IP to the
FDA?: 5 working days
2. How many members must sit on an IRB?: 5
3. How long must an IRB retain records per 21 CFR 56?: 3 years after completion of
4. What are the criteria for IRB approval of research? (7): 1. Risks to subjects are
2. Risks are reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits
3. Selection of subjects is equitable
4. Informed consent will be sought from subjects or LARs
5. Informed consent will be documented
6. There is adequate provision of monitoring
7. There is adequate provision to protect the privacy of subjects
5. How many days does an IRB have to report a change in registration infor- mation
due to a change in chairperson or contact?: 90 days
6. How many days does an IRB have to inform the FDA that it is reviewing different
types of FDA products?: 30 days
7. How often must an IRB renew it's registration?: 3 years
8. What are the 8 basic elements of informed consent per FDA guidelines?: 1. Statement
that the study involves research, purpose and expected duration, descrip- tion of
experimental procedures
2. Description of reasonably foreseeable risks
3. Benefits
4. Disclosure of alternative procedures or courses of treatment
5. Confidentiality measures
6. Compensation and treatments available if injury occurs
7. contact information
8. Participation is voluntary and subject may discontinue at any time
9. What are the criteria for involving children in minimal risk research? (2): 1. No
greater than minimal risk
2. Assent from kid + consent from parent obtained
10. What are the criteria for involving children in greater than minimal risk research with
prospect of benefit? (3): 1. Risks are justified by benefits
2. Relation of anticipated benefit is at least as favorable as that presented by
alternative approaches
3. Assent + consent
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