Shadow Health Comprehensive Health Assessment Latest Update 2025-2026 Already PASSED
1. Reason for Visit - Asked about reason for visit
Finding: Reports seeking a new primary care provider
2. Culture -Asked about language use
Finding: Reports using English
Pro Tip: Asking about the client's language use will let you
know if you may need to connect them with an interpreter
in order to ensure the most appropriate care.
Example Question: What language would you like us to
use for this visit?
-Asked about religious or cultural practices
Finding: Reports no religious practices that affect
Pro Tip: Asking the client about their religious and cultural
practices can help you to offer them inclusive, affirming
care. Some religious and cultural practices may affect
which clinical decisions are appropriate for a client, and it
is important to be aware of them.
Example Question: Do you have any religious or cultural
preferences while you are here?
Finding: Reports no cultural practices that affect
3. Current Health -Asked about current health problems
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