1. Root-absorbed herbicides are more effective when applied postemergence. T or F -
Answer>>> False
2. Define contact herbicide - Answer>>> kills where it directly contacts. Controls annual and
3. Define systemic herbicide - Answer>>> used for perennial weeds. Moves throughout the plant
4. Temperature, moisture, soil-type and rate of application influence the persistence of a
herbicide. T or F - Answer>>> True
5. What is temperature inversion and how can it affect pesticide drift? - Answer>>> Temp
inversion is when ground air is 2-5 deg cooler than air above it. It increases drift deposits
6. What is the difference between a selective and non-selective herbicide - Answer>>> selective
doesn't kill surround veg. non-selective removes most veg
7. If a plant's growing points are below the soil surface, which type of herbicide will provide
better control: contact or systemic? - Answer>>> systemic
8. How can leaf shape affect herbicidal action - Answer>>> herbicides will runoff narrow and
upright leaves. Broad leaves hold herbicide longer
9. What climatic factors affect herbicides - Answer>>> humidity, light, precipitation, wind,
temp, length of growing season
10. what are the five categories of selective herbicide applications - Answer>>> foliage spraying,
basal spraying, granular/pellet, spotgun/exact dose, cut surface herbicide
11. What are the 3 basic foliage spray treatments used in right-of-ways. - Answer>>> low
volume ground foliage, high ground foliage, aerial
12. What are the differences between low volume ground foliage and high volume ground
foliage treatments? - Answer>>> High volume has a specific concentration that is applied
instead of rate per acre. Foliage is prayed to a point where additional spray begins to drip of
treated leaves. Larger volumes of mix. Amount applied will very a lot
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