RePL Exam CASA 2023 Questions and Answers with complete solution
RePL Exam CASA 2023 Questions and
Answers with complete solution
Your spotter announces there is a helicopter approaching your position from 3 O'clock,
which direction can you expect the helicopter to appear?
West Answer- East
Your aircraft is travelling on a heading of 090 degrees. However, there is a strong wind
pushing it off track from the north. Would the Track be greater or less than 090
Less Answer- Greater
You need to figure out how tall a TV tower in the distance is, you check this by looking
The Elevation on a VTC Chart
The Altitude on a VTC Chart
The Height on a VCT Chart
The Length on a VTC Chart Answer- The Elevation on a VTC Chart x
7 Nautical Miles is equal to:
12.964 Kilometres
12.06 Miles
11.972 Kilometres
None of the above Answer- 12.964 Kilometres
Newton's third law states that:
Every body persists in its state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward,
except insofar as it is compelled to change its state by force.
The alteration of motion is ever proportional to the motive force impressed; and is made
in the direction of the right line in which that force is impressed.
To every action there is always an equal reaction: or the mutual actions of two bodies
upon each other are always equal, and directed to contrary parts.
None of the above. Answer- To every action there is always an equal reaction: or the
mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal, and directed to contrary
The four forces acting on an RPAS are:
Lift, Drag, Torque and Thrust
Lift, Weight, Thrust and Drag
Torque, Weight, Thrust and Drag
Lift, Torque, Thrust and Drag Answer- Lift, Weight, Thrust and Drag
An RPAS will ascend by:
Increase the load on all motors simultaneously.
Decrease the load on all motors simultaneously.
Increase the load on the clockwise (CW) spinning motors.
Increase the load on the counterclockwise (CCW) spinning motors. Answer- Increase
the load on all motors simultaneously.
In Mode 2, what will the RPAS do when you pull the right stick to the left?
Yaw to the left
Yaw to the right
Roll to the right
Roll to the left Answer- Roll to the left
An RPAS travelling at 32kmph will travel how far in 16 minutes?
8.74km Answer- 8.53km
Which of the following aeronautical charts is best for RPAS operations?
WAC Answer- VTC
Controlled Airspace extending from a specific altitude above the earth is called:
a. Control Zone (CTR)
b. Control Area (CTA)
c. Control Zone (CTA)
d. Control Area (CTR) Answer- b. Control Area (CTA)
Your client wants a few aerial photos of his property. Using a CASA certified app, find
out if you can legally operate your RPAS within Standard Operating Conditions at this
address: 11 Kent St, Regents Park NSW 2143, Australia.
a. Can be done within CASR Part 101
b. Cannot be done within CASR Part 101 Answer- a. Can be done within CASR Part
You plan on operating within 3NM of Archerfield Aerodrome. What is the appropriate
for your operation?
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