PTCB Exam 1
1. Ace Inhibitors should not be taken with......
Answer: Potassium Diuretics
2. Vitamin deficiency causes Rickets
Answer: Vitamin D
3. CSAR stands for?
Answer: Controlled Substance Administration Record
4. Elixer is a form of..
Answer: Alcohol & Water
5. A drug that does not require blood work?
Answer: Sulfasalazine
6. NDC includes?
Answer: Drug Mfg, Drug Product, Package size
7. Inventory for Controlled Substance's is performed ?
Answer: every 2-Years
8. Specific Gravity Ratio
Answer: Weight
9. True statements for Insulin?
1. Glargin should not be mixed.
2. Injection sites must be rotated
3. Regular & Lente insulins -Do not mix
11. "Rx" is latin meaning.....
Answer: to Take a given product & strength
12. U&C means....
Answer: Usual & Custamary
13. Prophylactic products
Answer: Amoxicillin, Norgest, Propranol
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