PHA 320 Pharmacy Communications Midterm Exam
What is patient-centered care?
providing care that is respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences,
needs, and values, and ensuring that patient values guide all clinical decisions
What are the five dimensions of patient centered care?
1. Understand all aspects of the patient's illness
2. Perceive all patients as a person
3. Foster an egalitarian relationship.
4. Build a therapeutic alliance
5. Develop self-awareness
What are the steps in the medication use process?
1. Patient perceives healthcare need
2. Patients interprets problem
3. Patient will either take action or not
4. If they take action, they will self-help, consult a nonmedical person, or contact
healthcare professional
5. Healthcare professional recommendation
6. Patient accepts or refuses
7. Patient monitors response
8. Follow up visit or no follow up
Describe medication centered care?
Simply telling the patient about the drug: side effects, dose, route, not giving any other
What is task centered care?
Making sure you fill a prescription in a timely manner, disregarding the patient
What is practitioner centered care?
Patient is acted on by the practitioner based on what he or she thinks is the best course
of action. No patient interaction.
What are the patient-centered care pharmacist responsibilities?
Develop trusting relationships
Engage in open exchange of information
Involve patients in decision-making
Help patients reach therapeutic goals
What is the pharmacist's goal of patient-centered care communication process?
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