The roles and responsibilities of the RBT include which of the following? - ANS IS All of
the above
(deliver discrete trial instruction and incidental teaching, record data, and implement
behavior interventions plans as written as a BCBA)
True/False: An RBT can practice independently of a BCBA - ANS IS False
Rate is... - ANS IS the total count per a unit of time
Duration is... - ANS IS the time from when the behavior begins to when it ends.
Latency is... - ANS IS the time between the presentation of a stimulus and the
occurrence of a behavior
Which of the following is a continuous recording method? - ANS IS All of the above
(duration, rate/frequency, and latency)
calculate frequency/rate per hour and minute for a behavior that occurred 120 times
over a 2 hour observation - ANS IS 60 per hour, 1 per minute
partial-interval recording is... - ANS IS When the behavior must occur at least once
during the interval to be recorded
Whole-interval recording is.... - ANS IS when the behavior must occur for the entire
interval to be recorded.
Momentary time sampling is.... - ANS IS when the behavior must be occurring at the
end of the interval to be recorded.
Inter-response time is... - ANS IS The time between the end of one instance of the
behavior and the beginning of the next occurrence of behavior.
which recording method would you expect to use when a target behavior is set to
increase? - ANS IS whole-interval recording
Which recording method would you expect to use when a target behavior is set to
decrease? - ANS IS Partial-interval recording
true or false? Partial interval recording has the tendency to under-estimate the
frequency of a target behavior while whole interval recording has the tendency to overestimate the frequency of the target behavior? - ANS IS False
Which of the following are examples of "permanent products" that can be used to collect
data using permanent product recording procedures. - ANS IS Number of broken
windows and folded shirts
True/False: permanent product recording is one of the lease cumbersome data
recording methods - ANS IS True
Choose the best operational definition for a tantrum - ANS IS Any instance of the client
crying and hitting himself in the head with a closed fist which makes a sound that can be
heard within five feet. Instance must last longer than 30 seconds and are separated by
30 seconds of non-occurrence.
Define behavior: - ANS IS The activity of living organisms; human behavior includes
everything that people do.
define environment: - ANS IS the conglomerate of real circumstances in which the
organism or references part of the organism exists; behavior cannot occur in the
absence of environment.
List the four functions of behavior: - ANS IS Social positive (attention/access), Social
negative (escaping), Automatic Positive (sensory stimulation), Automatic Negative (pain
A client gets out of his seat every time a demand is placed. When he gets out of his
seat his teacher says, "Oh you need a break", and does not follow through with her
demand. This client's out of seat behavior most likely serves what function? - ANS IS
Social negative (escape)
A client frequently spits. You notice that he spits during work times, when he is on a
break, when he is playing with his favorite toys, during meal times, when you or
someone else is directly engaged with him, and even when he is by himself. One day
mom brings the client back from the dentist where he had to get 6 cavities filled. After
this dentist appointment the spitting stopped. What function does spitting most likely
serve? - ANS IS Automatic negative (pain attenuation)
Every time his mother removes items from him, a client engages in a tantrum. Mom tries
to ignore him but after around five minutes mom gives him back the item she removed
and the tantrum immediately stops. What function is most likely maintaining the
tantrums? - ANS IS Social Positive (attention/access)
A client hits other students in his class during work and break times. Each time he hits
another students the teacher immediately provides a verbal reprimand. What function
does his hitting most like serve? - ANS IS Social Positive (attention/access)
You work with a client who drops legos on the floor for hours if left alone. The client
does this even if others are playing with him, when no demands are being placed, and
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