OMVIC Exam Questions & Answers | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest 2025/2026 Version
What is the primary legislation governing Ontario's retail automotive sector? - ✔✔MVDA
Which body or agency enforces MVDA? - ✔✔OMVIC
How many people compose OMVIC's board of directors? - ✔✔12 in total, 9 dealers and 3 consumer reps
What is the "transaction fee program"? - ✔✔under the transaction fee program, dealers are required to
remit $10 for each vehicle sold or leased to OMVIC. These funds are remitted annually with the dealers
registration renewal fee.
T or F: the fee can be passed on to the consumer - ✔✔True
What is OMVIC required to make available to the public? - ✔✔A dealers name, address and phone
number; a salespersons name; any proposal to refuse to renew, suspend or revoke the registration of a
dealer or salesperson
Should OMVIC determine a dealers advertising to be false or misleading what powers do they have to
stop or correct it? - ✔✔Order to the dealer to cease publication and or issue a retraction or correction
If an order is used to stop or correct false advertising, for how long may the dealer need to seek OMVIC
pre approval for future advertising? - ✔✔up to 2 years
What is the minimum age requirement to become a dealer? - ✔✔18
If a person has been refused registration, what are 2 conditions that have to be met before the person
can reapply? - ✔✔2 years have passed; new evidence to demonstrate circumstances
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