For this paper you must have:
• an AQA 12-page answer book
• a copy of the Insert for use with Section B (enclosed)
• a copy of each of the set texts you have studied for this paper. These texts must not be annotated
and must not contain additional notes or materials.
• Use black ink or black ball-point pen.
• Write the information required on the front of your answer book. The Paper Reference is 7712/2B.
• Read all of the questions. Then choose either Option 1 or Option 2 or Option 3. Answer one
question from Section A and both questions from Section B from your chosen option. You must
answer questions from only one option.
• Do all rough work in your answer book. Cross through any work you do not want to be marked.
• The marks for questions are shown in brackets.
• The maximum mark for this paper is 75.
• You will be marked on your ability to:
– use good English
– organise information clearly
– use specialist vocabulary where appropriate.
• In your response you need to:
– analyse carefully the writers’ methods
– explore the contexts of the texts you are writing about
– explore connections across the texts you have studied
– explore different interpretations of your texts.
Paper 2B Texts in shared contexts: Modern times: Literature from 1945
to the present day
Option 1
Section A: Poetry Set Text
Answer one question in this section.
Feminine Gospels – Carol Ann Duffy
0 1 Examine the view that this collection is dominated by conflict between women
and men.
You must write about at least two poems in your answer.
[25 marks]
0 2 ‘In the collection, Duffy presents women as always showing great personal courage.’
Examine this view.
You must write about at least two poems in your answer.
[25 marks]
Skirrid Hill – Owen Sheers
0 3 ‘In Skirrid Hill, Sheers presents masculinity as being always toxic.’
Examine this view of the collection.
You must write about at least two poems in your answer.
[25 marks]
0 4 Examine the significance of pain in Skirrid Hill.
You must write about at least two poems in your answer.
[25 marks]
Turn over ►
Option 1
Section B: Drama and Prose Contextual Linking
Read the Insert. Answer both questions in this section.
Read the Insert carefully. It is taken from A Trick I Learned from Dead Men, a novel by Kitty
Aldridge, published in 2012. Lee Hart lives in a remote cottage with his younger brother, Ned, who is
deaf, and their widowed stepfather, Lester. Their mother has been dead for seven years. Lee, who
is in his mid-twenties, works as a trainee undertaker alongside an older colleague, Derek. The
extract begins as the local florist, Lorelle, arrives at the funeral home with a delivery of flowers.
Answer both questions.
0 5 Explore the significance of loneliness and social isolation in this extract.
Remember to include in your answer relevant detailed analysis of the ways that Aldridge
shapes meanings.
[25 marks]
0 6 Compare the significance of loneliness and social isolation in two other texts you
have studied.
Remember to include in your answer reference to how meanings are shaped in the texts
you are comparing.
You must use one drama text and one prose text in your response.
[25 marks]
Turn over for the next section
Option 2
Section A: Drama Set Text
Answer one question in this section.
A Streetcar Named Desire – Tennessee Williams
0 7 Examine the significance of the relationship between Blanche and Stella in the play.
[25 marks]
0 8 Examine the significance of music and songs in A Streetcar Named Desire.
[25 marks]
Top Girls – Caryl Churchill
0 9 ‘In Top Girls, Churchill presents a world in which there is no hope for the powerless.’
Examine this view.
[25 marks]
1 0 Examine the significance of resistance in Top Girls.
[25 marks]
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