Section A
Textual variations and representations
Answer all questions from this section.
Text A and Text B are on the Insert.
Text A is from the launch of the Apple Music service in front of a live audience. Tim Cook is the
Chief Executive of Apple and Jimmy Iovine is the owner of a record label. Images are projected on a
large screen behind the presenters throughout their talk.
Text B is an advert for a Graphophone from Munsey’s Magazine in 1906.
0 1 Analyse how Text A uses language to create meanings and representations.
[25 marks]
0 2 Analyse how Text B uses language to create meanings and representations.
[25 marks]
0 3 Explore the similarities and differences in the ways that Text A and Text B use language.
[20 marks]
Turn over for Section B
Section B
Children’s language development
Answer either Question 4 or Question 5 from this section.
0 4 ‘Adults play the most important role in children’s language development.’
Referring to Data Set 1 in detail, and to relevant ideas from language study, evaluate this
view of children’s language development.
[30 marks]
Transcription key:
(.) pause of less than a second
(2.0) longer pause (number of seconds indicated)
bold stressed syllables
[italics] contextual information
CAPITAL LETTERS indicates raised volume
? indicates questioning intonation
/ / indicates a phonemic transcription
simultaneous speech
A set of phonemic symbols can be found on the back of the Insert and also on the back of this paper,
for reference.
Turn over ►
Data Set 1
Ruben, aged 5 years, is chatting playfully with his aunt and mother at home in his kitchen. His
pet dog, Jasper, is with them.
Aunt: would you rather eat a slug or eat a worm
Ruben: um (.) apple
Aunt: no would you rather eat a slug or a worm that’s your choice
Ruben: okay slug [laughing]
Aunt: a slug okay good choice 5
Ruben: [laughing gleefully]
Aunt: would you rather jump in freezing cold water or go down a gigantic slide
Ruben: um [laughing] jump in freezing water
Aunt: okay (1.0) would you rather kiss a frog or dye your hair pink
Ruben: dye my hair pink (2.0) would you rather eat a dog or slug 10
Aunt: a dog
Ruben: bad choice
Aunt: [laughs]
Ruben: would you rather drink dirty water (.) or eat mud
Aunt: um I’d rather drink dirty water 15
Ruben: good choice [aunt and mother laugh]
Ruben: would you rather eat a dog or
Aunt: don’t listen Jasper
Ruben: [laughs] eat a dog or (1.0) eat your cat Sinny
Aunt: oh no [laughing] eat my cat specifically (.) I’m sorry to say I’d rather eat Jasper
Mother: JASPER (.) run for your life Jasper
Ruben: NO (.) eat Sinny
Aunt: [laughs]
Ruben: would you rather kiss a (.) um (.) a giant snake or a (1.0) mum what is spiders with a
red back
Mother: a tarantula
Ruben: you would kiss a snake or a (.) a tarantula
Aunt: I would kiss a snake (.) any day of the week
Mother: ugh 30
Ruben: good choice
Aunt: would you rather sleep in a bed with a dead mouse or a dead bird
Ruben: a dead mouses (.) no actually a dead rat (.) because I like rats
Turn over for the next question
0 5 ‘Writing with a sense of purpose is the most important skill to develop when learning
to write.’
Referring to Data Set 2 in detail, and to relevant ideas from language study, evaluate this
view of children’s language development.
[30 marks]
Data Set 2
Data Set 2 was produced in the classroom by Astrid, aged 7 years and 4 months. She was asked to
write instructions for looking after a dog.
The child has written in black and purple. The teacher has written in green.
There are no questions printed on this page
Phonemic symbols
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Texts for Section A
A set of phonemic symbols can be found on the back of this Insert, for reference
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