1. What is post partum hemorrhage?
a. Blood loss of 500 ml or more within 24 hours afer birth in both NSD and CS
b. Any time the postpartum hematocrit lower than one obtained on admission
for delivery
c. Blood loss of 1000 ml or more within 24 hours after birth
d. Any time that there is decreased BP
e. Any time that there is no urine output
2. What is third stage of labor?
a. Begins at 4 cms dilated to full cervical dilatation
b. Begins from full cervical dilatation to total expulsion
c. Begins immediately after fetal birth and ends with placental delivery
d. Begins from placental delivery to 1 hour post partum
e. Begins from fetal delivery to first 4 hours post partum
3. What is the average time for placental delivery?
a. 1 minute
b. 5 minutes
c. 10 minutes
d. 15 minutes
e. 30 minutes
4. How do we manage the third stage of labor?
a. Physiological management
b. Expectant management
c. Active management of third-stage labor (AMSTL)
d. By waiting for placental separation signs
e. By the aid of nipple stimulation or gravity
5. What are the components of active management of 3rd stage of labor?
a. Early cord clamping
b. Controlled cord traction during placental delivery
c. Immediate admission of prophylactic uterotonics
d. Uterine
massage e. All of
the Above
6. What is the first line uterotonic?
a. Carbetocin
b. Carboprost
c. Misoprostol
d. Methrytergometrine maleate
e. Oxytocin
7. Which of the following uterotonics is the safest and least side effects?
a. Carbetocin
b. Carboprost
c. Misoprostol
d. Methrytergometrine maleate
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