1. Discuss the 4 levels of anxiety
1. Mild: Seldom a problem, typically a good thing. Prepares for action. Senses
heightened, learning enhanced
2. Moderate: Perceptual field begins to diminish. Less alert to environmental
surroundings. Attention span & concentration decrease
3. Severe: Perceptual field diminishes greatly. Concentration only on one thing or
extraneous details. Attention span is severely limited. Discomfort is experienced.
4. Panic: The most intense state. Unable to focus on even one detail. Loss of contact w/
reality may occur
2. Discuss the 5 stages of grief
1. Stage 1: Denial; The reality of the loss is not acknowledged.
2. Stage 2: Anger; Anger may be directed at the self or displaced on loved ones,
caregivers, and even God.
3. Stage 3: Bargaining; Usually not visible or evident to others, a “bargain” is made w/
God in an attempt to reverse or postpone the loss.
4. Stage 4: Depression; The full impact of the loss is experienced. The sense of loss is
intense, and feelings of sadness and depression prevail. This is a time of quiet
desperation and disengagement from all association w/ the lost entity.
5. Stage 5: Acceptance; The final stage brings a feeling of peace regarding the loss that
has occurred. It is a time of quiet expectation and resignation
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