1. Have and understanding of the following Models of Health
The Health Belief Model: the individual's belief or how susceptible they are to a disease
& the perception of the seriousness of the illness; the likelihood that they will take action
The Health Promotion Model: as a positive health state without the absence of disease;
taking care of themselves; directed at increasing a person's feeling or level of well-being
The Health-Illness Continuum: health being on one side and death being on the other side
and where the patient falls on the spectrum ■ Ex. cancer
The Agent-Host-Environment Model: involves something in the environment that may
make you ill
2. Please provide a brief description of the following theories:
- Leininger’s Transcultural Caring - Leininger’s Transcultural Caring theory states that
caring is “essential human need”, caring helps and individual or a group improve a
condition, and caring helps to protect, develop, nurture, and sustain people. Caring is
also deeply personal and must be tailored in order to help each individual benefit
(Potter et al., 2021).
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