1. Aura:
Answer An aura is often a bright light, smell, or taste.
Before a convulsive episode, a few patientsreport an aura which serves as a warningor
sense that a seizure is about to occur. (pg 393)
2. Food and Drug Administration:
Answer The Food and Drug Administration, FDA, is a federal agency responsible for
the enforcement of federal regulations regarding themanufacture, processing, and
distribution of foods, drugs, and cosmetics to protectconsumers against the sale of
impure or dangerous substances.(pg 374)
3. Immunization:
Answer Immunization reduces, and in some cases preventsthe transmis-sion of disease
from person to person.(pg 375)
4. Pathogen:
Answer A pathogen is any microorganism capable of producing an illness. Themost
common means of transmission of a pathogen is by the hands. One of the mosteffective
methods for limiting the transmission of pathogens is the medically asepticpractice of
hand hygiene.(pg 375)
5. Poison:
Answer A poison is any substance that impairs health or destroys life when ingested,
inhaled, or absorbed by the body. Almost any substance is poisonous iftoo much is
Emergency treatment is necessary when a person ingests a poisonoussubstance orcomes
in contact with a chemical that is absorbed through the skin. A poison controlcenter is
the best resource for patients and parents needing information about the treatment of an
accidental poisoning.(pg. 375)
6. Pollutant:
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