Acute coronary syndrome presents more often in women.
Topical capsaicin is often used for diabetic neuropathy.
Soft tissue swelling on xray is rheumatoid arthritis.
Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide.
One inch decrease in height is suspect for osteoporosis.
CRP is most valuable diagnostic when diff chronic gout, pseudogout and septic arthritis.
Mitral valve prolapse, no symptomes clear breath sounds and midsystolic click is StageB
Lack of emotions are distinct symptoms to depression in elderly.
MI 5 yrs ago, currently has SOB, 2+ edema is Stage C.
Normochromic, normocytic anemia and thrombocytosis is 2 findings in Polymyalgia
Example of secondary prevention is checking for fecal occult stool.
Basic testing for 1 htn is fbs, cbc, lipid, bmp, tsh, ua, ekg, uric acid,album to creat ratio.
Start low and go slow is the recommended exercise advice for sedentary older adult.
Flattening of the diaphragm w/ blunting of costophrenic angle and abnormally large
retrosternal space are two criteria that help dx COPD on PA film.
Follow up of every 3-6 months is recomm after one follow up for stable COPD.
Curvature of the spine with a sharp angle is Kyphosis or Gibbus.
Water exercise is an effective exercise for rheumatoid arthritis.
Increased risk of DM is NOT part of COPD education.
The prevalence of depression in NH res is 3-4 times greater than adults at home.
Osteoarthritis primary effect weight bearing joints.
Somatic symptoms of anxiety include palps, CP, tachycardia, fatigue, insomnia, diaphoresis,
diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.
Spirometry is the gold standard for COPD dx.
Post MI best evidine drugs are ASA, ACE or ARB, BB, and aldosterone blockage.
54yo AA female with BMI 23 and 120-128/76-78 BP is Elevated BP.
Follow up for treated stage 1 htn and high ASCVD is one month.
T-score of -2.0 is consistent with osteopenia
The purpose of BEERS is to improve quality and safety when prescribing meds.
Persistent pain and limited motion in affected joint is associated with osteoarthritis.
Asses for Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in non compliant htn pt.
Past MI, new SOB, esp with exertion and occas fluttering and pedal edema is Stage C.
65 yo male with no vaccs since age 25 needs Tdap, pneumo, flu, and Zostavax shots.
Your responsibility is to promote + lifestyle changes in older pt that abuse etof and
tobac Crystal deposition is not related to osteoarthritis.
55 yo caucasian with cough and dyspnea was most likely rx for enalapril.
Upper zone of redistribution of pulmonary blood flow (cephalization) and signs of interstitial
edema will help dx HF on Xray.
Anxiety is not a normal part of aging.
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