Infections from burns is most likely caused by which microbe?
s. pyogenes
What is the treatment for skin infections from s. pyogenes?
1st generation cephalosporin EX: cefadroxil PO
Infections from tick bites are likely cause by what bacteria?
borrelia burgdorferi
What microbe causes Blepharitis with corneal involvement?
What type of abx would be used to treat blepharitis (a staphylococcus infection)?
ex. doxycycline PO x 1 month
What microbes are likely to cause conjunctivitis?
Staphylococcus and streptococcus
What kind of abx are used on conjunctivitis caused by staph and strep?
topical broad spectrums like polymyxin-trimethoprim ophthalmic drops for 7-10 days
What microbe is the likely cause of contact lens conjunctivitis?
What abx is used to treat contact- lensconjunctivitis cause by pseudomonas?
Topical fluoroquinolone. Ex: besifloxacin opthalmic drops for 7-10 days.
What microbe is the likely cause of hordeolum (stye)?
s. aureus, MRSA.
What is the abx used for hordeolum caused by s. aureus, mrsa
topical broad spectrum abx. EX: bacitracin ointment for 5-7 days
Brain infections bacterial meningitis are likely caused by which microbes?
s. pneumoniae, n.meningitis
Which abx is used to treat bacterial meningitis?
3rd generation cephalosporin. Ex: cefotaxime and ampicillin IV until the causative agent is
Ear infections, otitis externa is likely caused by which microbes?
Staphylococcus or pseudomonas
Otitis externa is usual treated with what abx?
fluoroquinolones. EX: topical ciprofloxacin otic drops
Acute otitis media is likely caused by which bacteria?
streptococcus pneumonia
Acute otitis media is usually treated with which abx?
Broad spectrum penicillin or penicillin/ beta lactamase. EX: after observing for 3 days consider
amoxicillin or amoxicillin/clavulanate for 10 days
Bacterial Pharyngitis is likely caused by which bacteria?
group A streptococcus
What abx class is used for bacterial pharyngitis cause by group A strep?
Broad spectrum penicillins. EX: amoxicillin PO x 10 days
Mastitis is likely cause by which bacteria?
S. aureus or streptococcus
Which abx are used for mastitis?
narrow spectrum penicillins. Ex: dicloxacillin PO for 10-14 days or cephalexin PO for 10-14
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