1.Nursing process and medication administration. pg.7
Assessment – get data, review & analysis; know all drugs, vitamins, herbs & supplements taken
Diagnosis – 3 step processes; response to illness, “related to”, ”as evidenced by”
Planning (goals & outcome) – measurable & realistic goals w/ set time of achievement
Implementation (education) – starting and completing nursing actions
Evaluation – check if goals have been met if not change the goal
2. Six rights for med administration pg.11
Right drug
Right dose
Right time
Right route
Right patient
Right documentation
3. Pharmacokinetics and absorption pg.22
Pharmacokinetics – study of what the body does to the drug from beginning to end;
Absorption – movement from the drug administered site into circulatory system
4. Terminology: First pass effect pg.22, bioavailability pg.22, synergistic pg.33, antagonistic
pg.33, pharmacokinetics pg.22, superinfection pg.613
First pass effect – First time your body is affected by the medication. A PO dose would be higher
because it has to be metabolizes through the liver, therefore having a smaller firt time effect.
Bioavailability – amount of time it takes the drug to fully absorb
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