NBME CBSE EXAM with 200 Questions and Answers Latest Update
70yo M dies in a motor vehicle collision. Was undergoing evaluation for
occult blood in the stool. Photo of transverse colon shown. Dx? -
ANSWER- Tubular adenoma
38yo M with 1-week hx of watery, itchy eyes and a runny nose. Physical
shows inflamed nasal mucosa. No congestion in lower lung.
Pharmacotherapy? - ANSWER- Loratadine
agglutination? - ANSWER- IgM
24yo M with small tender blisters on his penis 3 days after unprotected
sex. Photograph shown. Causal agent? - ANSWER- HSV-2
42yo F with 3-year hx of an intermittent facial rash, including the
forehead, eyelids, nose, and cheeks. Rash seems to be getting worse
since she moved from New York to Florida last year. Spicy foods
16yo girl with 3-day hx of fever, nonproductive cough, and fatigue. T
38.3, P 88/min, BP 102-70. PE shows pale conjunctivae. CXR shows
bilateral interstitial infiltrates. Blood spontaenously agglutinates while
awaiting transport to the laboratory. Antibody isotypes causing
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