Human Resources Five: Human Capital
What is the first step in the human capital transformation process? - correct
answer ✔Assessment
Which of the following strategies is used to engage employees through
participatory management? - correct answer ✔Bind strategy
Which phase of the Talent Life Cycle addresses understanding the mission,
vision, values, and culture of the organization? - correct answer ✔Phase III:
What is the correct sequence of the performance management process? -
correct answer ✔Planning, monitoring, developing, rating, rewarding
Which is one of the basic approaches to succession planning? - correct
answer ✔Developing a talent pool
Which retention strategy addresses conducting a "stay interview" by asking
people how they feel about their assignments, company policies, and the
working environment? - correct answer ✔Identify potential defectors early
Which of the following is a factor in nurse retention? - correct answer ✔Good
salary and/or benefits
What should be done first in the recruiting process for a new position? -
correct answer ✔Establish a job description
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