HHP 3114 Exam 1
Using an insulated, airtight chamber with walls containing copper tubing which water is
passed to asses total body energy expenditure is called
direct calorimeter
Indirect calorimetry is a technique for metabolic rate measurement and involved the
measuring of
metabolic oxygen consumption
The respiratory exchange ration (RER) is defined as the ratio between the
amount of CO2 released and the amount of O2 consumed during metabolism
Calculating kcal/day can be accomplished by _______________________.
liters of O2 consumed per day times kcal used per liter of O2
Basal metabolism is the minimal 240hour energy expenditure for ______________.
basic body functions
Increases with increased body temperature
The best indicator of cardiorepiratory endurance is
VO2 max treadmill test
Lactate threshold is defined as that point in time during exercise of ____________
intensity when the rate of lactate production ____________ the rate of lactate
_______________ or ____________.
increasing, exceeds, clearance, removal
Lactate threshold is a good predictor of _____________
distance running performance
Individuals who are efficient runner tend to use ____________ oxygen when running at
a given speed, compared to individuals who are inefficient runners
Factors critical for success in endurance performance include what?
a high vo2 max, a high lactate threshold, and a high economy
A lactate threshold at 80% VO2max suggests__________________ aerobic exercise
tolerance than at a threshold of 60% VO2 max
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