1. Describe how the process for a Section 504 plan review could impact Omar’s Section 504
plan over time.
A. Omar’s 504 Plan will be reviewed annually and as this time approaches the 504 coordinators
will need to gather his current information, medical information, academic progress, input from
he and his parents, and meet together to make changes. He may make improvements that may no
longer require a one-on-one monitor, or any of the other accommodations. As Omar matures, he
will also learn to advocate for himself and make suggestions as to what would be more
beneficial for him. If his condition improves or worsens, medical specialists will also be able to
make suggestions as well. A young middle school student will change a great as he grows as well
as his abilities and responsibilities as a student. In a 504 review, all of these will be considered
and adjusted.
C. Explain what Section 504 is, including the following: the type of law that Section 504 is,
the purpose of Section 504, the purpose of Section 504, the eligibility requirements for
Section 504 in an educational setting, how Section 504 differs from the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Section 504 is part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, regarding civil rights laws aimed at
preventing discrimination against students with disabilities. Section 504 ensures that students
with disabilities have equal access to educational opportunities. Although Section 504 is not a
special education law like the Individuals with Disability Act ( IDEA), it is a civil rights statute.
As part of the Rehabilitation Act, Section 504 prohibits discrimination based on disability in any
program or activity that receives federal financial assistance, including public and many private
schools. It provides a broader range of disabilities than IDEA, focusing on accommodations and
modifications in a typical education environment to meet disabled students’ needs rather than
specialized instruction. Section 504 ensures that all students with disabilities have the same
educational opportunities as their non-disabled peers.
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