CRRN Test 2024 Questions and Answers (Verified Answers)
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CRRN Test 2024 Questions and Answers
(Verified Answers)
1.The INITIAL purpose of stump wrapping is to ANS aid in venous
return and reduce swelling
2.What is an important travel tip for people with COPD? ANS avoid
elevation above 4000 feet unless in a pressurized cabin
3.What produces esophageal speech? ANS burping to exert pressure
and produce vibration
4.What is not included in a patient's occupational history? ANS past
learning difficulties
5.Blindness of the nasal half of one eye and the temporal half of the other
is known as ANS homonymous hemianopsia
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6.The terms perceived "susceptibility," "perceived threat," and "cues to
action" are important concepts in which nursing theory? ANS health
belief model
7.What bladder disorder will MOST likely be present in a patient with
a CVA? ANS uninhibited neurogenic bladder
8.What is the legal definition of blindness? ANS visual field restriction of
up to 20 degrees or central visual acuity in the better eye of no more
than 20/200
9.Pursed lip breathing improves oxygenation because it ANS keeps the
alveoli open longer
10.What is a result of injury to the satiety center? ANS overeating
11.Tardive dyskinesia, associated with the prolonged use of psychotropic
drugs, may be assessed by instructing the patient to ANS grimace, smile,
frown, pucker, and chew
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12.With normal capillary perfusion, the color will return within ANS 3
13.What is an appropriate nursing intervention for a pt. experiencing
physio- logical and/or psychosocial disturbances who has recently been
transferred from one environment to another? ANS encourage pt's
verbalization of feelings
14.A patient who is unwilling to discuss his disability or to touch or
look at his involved body parts may have a nursing diagnosis of ANS
body image disturbance
15.What is a principle upon which learning depends? ANS providing for
learner participation
16.Autonomous areflexic bladder dysfunction occurs when a lesion involves ANS both the motor and sensory components of the sacral
segments of the spinal cord
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