What port does squid proxy use? - ANSWER- 3128
What are the benefits of a penetration test? - ANSWER- - Enhancement of the
management system
- Avoid fines
- Protection from financial damage
- Customer protection
What is the structure of a penetration test? - ANSWER- Planning and Preparation
Analyzing information and risks
Active intrusion attempts
Final analysis
Report Preparation
What is another structure of a penetration test? - ANSWER- Reconnaissance
Vulnerability Scanning
What is does infrastructure testing include? - ANSWER- Includes all internal
computer systems, associated external devices, internet networking, cloud and
virtualization testing.
What are the types of infrastructure testing? - ANSWER- - External Infrastructure
Penetration Testing
- Internal Infrastructure Penetration Testing
- Cloud and Virtualization Penetration Testing
- Wireless Security Penetration Testing
What does External Infrastructure Testing include? - ANSWER- Mapping flaws in
the external infrastructure
What are the benefits of External Infrastructure Testing ? - ANSWER- - Identifies
flaws within the firewall configuration that could be misused.
- Finds how information could be leaked out from the system
- Suggests how these issues could be fixed
- Prepares a comprehensive report highlighting the security risk of the networks
and suggests solutions
- Ensures overall efficiency and productivity of your business
What are the benefits of Internal Infrastructure testing? - ANSWER- -Identifies
how an internal attacker could take advantage of even a minor security flaw
- Identifies the potential business risk and damage that an internal attacker can
- Improves security systems of internal infrastructure
- Prepares a comprehensive report giving details of the security exposures of
internal networks along with the detailed action plan on how to deal with it
What are the benefits of cloud and virtualization penetration testing? - ANSWER-
- Discover the real risks within the virtual environment and suggests the methods
and costs to fix the threats and flaws
- Provides guidelines and an action plan how to resolve the issues
- Improves the overall protection systems
- Prepares a comprehensive security system report of the cloud computing and
virtualization, outline the security flaws, causes and possible solutions
What are the benefits of wireless security penetration testing ? - ANSWER- - To
find the potential risk caused by your wireless device
- To provide guidelines and an action plan on how to protect from the external
- For preparing a comprehensive security system report of the wireless networking,
to outline the security flaw, causes, and possible solutions
What is Black Box Testing? - ANSWER- Black-box testing is a method in which
the tester is provided no information about the application being tested.
What are the advantages of Black Box Testing? - ANSWER- - Test is generally
conducted with the perspective of a user, not the designer
- Verifies contradictions in the actual system and the specifications
What are the disadvantages of black box penetration testing? - ANSWER- -
Particularly, these kinds of test cases are difficult to design
- Possibly, it is not worth, in-case designer has already conducted a test case
- It does not conduct everything
What is white box penetration testing ? - ANSWER- A tester is provided a whole
range of information about the systems and/or network such as schema, source
code, os details, ip address, etc.
What are the advantages of white box penetration testing? - ANSWER- - It ensures
that all independent paths of a module have been exercised
- It ensures that all logical decisions have been verified along with their true and
false value.
- It discovers the typographical errors and does syntax checking
- It finds the design errors that may have occurred because of the difference
between logical flow of the program and the actual execution.
What are the important highlights of the computer misuse act 1990? - ANSWERSection 1: Unauthorized access to computer material
Section 2: Unauthorized access with intent to commit or facilitate commission of
further offenses
Section 3: Unauthorized acts with intent to impair, or with recklessness as to
impairing the operation of a computer
Unauthorized modification of computer material
What are the important highlights of the human rights act 1998? - ANSWER- -
The right to life
- The right to respect for private and family life
- The right to freedom of religion and belief
- Your right not to be mistreated or wrongly punished by the state
when capturing the scope of a penetration test, what information requires consent
to meet the UK laws? - ANSWER- -Name & Position of the individual who is
providing consent
-Authorized testing period - both the date range and hours that testing is permitted
- Contact information for members of technical staff, who may provide assistance
during the test
- IP addresses or URL that are in scope of testing
- Exclusions to certain hosts, services or areas within application testing
Credentials that may be required as part of authenticated application testing
What are the important highlights of the data protection act 1998? - ANSWER- -
Personal data must be processed fairly and lawfully
- be obtained only for lawful purposes and not processed in any manner
incompatible with those purposes
- be adequate, relevant and not excessive
- be accurate and current
- not be retained for longer than neccessary
- be processed in accordance with the rights and freedoms of data subjects
- Be protected against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental
loss, destruction or damage
What are the important highlights of the police and justice act 2006? - ANSWER- -
Make amendments to the computer misuse act 1990
- increased penalties of computer misuse act (makes unauthorized computer access
serious enough to fall under extradition)
- Made it illegal to perform DOS attacks
- Made it illegal to supply and own hacking tools.
- Be careful about how you release information about exploits.
What issues may arise between a tester and his client? - ANSWER- - The tester is
unknown to his client - so, on what grounds, he should be given access of sensitive
-Who will take the guarantee of security of lost data?
- The client may blame for the loss of data or confidentiality to tester.
How can you prevent legal issues when doing a penetration test? - ANSWER- A
statement of intent should be duly signed by both parties
- The tester has the permission in writing, with clearly defined parameters
- the company has the details of its pen tester and an assurance that he would not
leak any confidential data
What does scoping a penetration test involve? - ANSWER- - All relevant risk
- Technical staff knowledgeable about the target system
- A representative of the penetration test team
- Risk owners should outline any areas of special concern
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