CRCR Exam Prep Questions And Answers
What are collection agency fees based on? - ANSWER - A percentage of dollars
Self-funded benefit plans may choose to coordinate benefits using the gender rule or
what other rule? - ANSWER - Birthday
In what type of payment methodology is a lump sum or bundled payment negotiated
between the payer and some or all providers? - ANSWER - Case rates
What customer service improvements might improve the patient accounts department?
- ANSWER - Holding staff accountable for customer service during performance
What is an ABN (Advance Beneficiary Notice of Non-coverage) required to do? -
ANSWER - Inform a Medicare beneficiary that Medicare may not pay for the order or
What type of account adjustment results from the patient's unwillingness to pay for a
self-pay balance? - ANSWER - Bad debt adjustment
What is the initial hospice benefit? - ANSWER - Two 90-day periods and an unlimited
number of subsequent periods
When does a hospital add ambulance charges to the Medicare inpatient claim? -
ANSWER - If the patient requires ambulance transportation to a skilled nursing facility
How should a provider resolve a late-charge credit posted after an account is billed? -
ANSWER - Post a late-charge adjustment to the account
an increase in the dollars aged greater than 90 days from date of service indicate what
about accounts - ANSWER - They are not being processed in a timely manner
What is an advantage of a preregistration program? - ANSWER - It reduces
processing times at the time of service
What are the two statutory exclusions from hospice coverage? - ANSWER - Medically
unnecessary services and custodial care
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