CNOR practice questions
Most sensitive to dosage errors
medication reconciliation
contraindication to tourniquet use for carpal tunnel surgery
part of surgical safety checklist
organization responsible for accepted nursing diagnoses
surgical site marking
Risk for DVT
active warming of patient with forced air should begin
increased risk for developing pressure ulcer
purpose of preoperative assessment
preoperative hair removal
best time for SCDs
transferring 18 lb patient
ionizing radiation puts pt at risk for
importance of removing tongue ring prior to surgery
pt statement regarding total abdominal hysterectomy
pt at increased risk for impaired tissue integrity
purpose of perioperative plan of care
sx: persistent cough w/ blood tinged sputum, night sweats, loss of
appetite w/ signification weight loss
hispanic pt, consent is only available in english
surgeon is anxious to get pt draped ASAP after prepping
primary source of waste anesthesia gas
treatment for local anesthetic systemic toxicity
supine with arms greater than 90 degrees causes
correct time to label medications and solutions
plan for right breast procedure but find wire in left breast
potential harm from povidone-iodine
advanced breast cancer is spreading, pt is comatose and husband
consents for bronchoscopy - RN feels uncomfortable and should
steep trendelenberg puts pt at risk for
unsterile person may perform a two-step skin prep using
type of fire extinguisher used for electrical fire
PPE for risk of exposure to blood and body fluids
airflow pattern and temp for restricted areas
stiff neck muscles, family hx of death in OR, elevated CO2 and
HR, which med to give
delay in case by 1 hour, what to do with sterile field
Cesarean section wound class with meconium released into abdominal cavity changes wound class from
missing needle not found on x-ray, how should the nurse document the incident
pediatric patients
promote safe pt outcomes related to medication administration
dialysis access device
any special equipment, devices, or implants will be needed
surgeon before pt receives any sedation
hx of varicosities
preop holding area
poor preoperative nutritional status
to develop pt's plan of care
moisten the area to be prepped and use a disposable clipper
before induction of anesthesia
lateral transfer device, one caregiver, one anesthesia
impaired skin integrity
if piercing is dislodged while ET tube is being placed, it could block
airway or get pushed into lung
"I'm having my uterus removed"
intermittent claudication
assist pt in meeting desired outcomes
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