CIPS M4L8 (Procurement and Supply) CHAPTER 1 STUDY GUIDE.
The Invitation to tender should contain everything potential bidders will
need to know to fully understand the need and to prepare and send
suitable response. An ITT is likely to include the following
✔✔- Opening letter/brief
- Company details
- Overview of project
- Non-disclosure agreement (NDA)
- Specification of the requirement (including any KPIs or SLAs unless using
negotiated or competitive dialogue)
- Evaluation criteria
- Submission date
- Compliance requirements
- Bid style eg, email, through a portal, mail
- Contact details for queries
- Terms and conditions of contract
Tendering is a legal process and the procedure is based on fairness and
equality. Sending the invitation to tender is simple but the following rules
must be followed in all cases
✔✔- Provide the documents to all potential suppliers at the same time
- Provide exactly the same documents to all suppliers
The tendering process: Stage 5 Evaluate bids: The evaluation process is
usually carried out by a cross-functional team to guarantee complete
fairness and ensure that the chosen bid is fit for purpose in all areas.
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