1.The worst risk factor for stable angina: Diabetes mellitus
2.Most common risk factor for stable angina: Hypertension
3.Major risk factors for CAD: DM -
worst Hyperlipidemia - elevated LDL
age (men >45; women >55
yrs) family hx of premature
CAD or MI low levels of HDL
4.How to calculate a person's max HR: 220-age
5.How would ischemia appear on a exercise stress test for CAD?: exercisein- duced ischemia -> subendocardial ischemia -> ST-segment
Other +ve findings: HF, Ventricular arrhythmias, or hypotension.
6.List steps in diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD): 1. Physical
- usually normal
2.resting ECG
3.Stress test (ECG)
- exercise (ST depression)
- pharmacologic
- adenosine & dipyramidole -> generalized vasodilation
- dobutamine -> increases myocardial O2 demand (increases HR, BP,
contractility) Stress test (echo)
- wall motion abnormalities seen after
exercise more sensitive than stress ECG
4.Holter monitoring
5.Cardiac catheterization
7.definitive Inv for CAD: cardiac catheterization with angiography
8.Treatment for stable angina that lowers mortality: aspirin (reduces risk of
MI) & beta-blockers (reduce frequency of coronary events) decrease
- nitrates relieve pain.
9.side effects of nitrates (when used for CAD):
headache orthostatic hypotension
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