BMTCN Review Chapter 3 - Pretransplant Issues
The Foundation for the Accreditation of Cellular Therapy
-FACT was formed in an effort to help standardize and improve the quality of the transplant process.
-FACT requires a battery of tests for the potential SCT recipient to ensure adequate organ function and screening for certain diseases
-Patients must undergo a complete physical exam & disease staging including an assessment of performance status and ability to complete ADL's
-Dental examination must be completed to help reduce or anticipate complications related to
mucositis and dental abscess✓✓FACT
-Ensures disease is chemo-sensitive
-Provides a new "baseline" to compare post-transplant monitoring
-Bone marrow biopsy
-Lumbar puncture
-CT or PET scans
-Tumor markers and Bio-chemical exams
-Bone scan/survey
-Immune system function (lymphocyte panel, immunoglobulin panel
) -✓✓ Disease staging
-Each transplant center has it's own standards by which it determines if a patient is eligible to go forward to transplant.
-Usually this information is found in Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's)
-Contains specific information for example, a patient with an ejection fraction of <40% would be excluded from transplant based on our SOP
-There are no hard and fast rules on this. Each center can determine it's own criteria, but FACT demands that you follow your own criteria that you set. Eligibility & Suitability
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