1 antibody screening cell positive and 1 donor positive in AHG - CORRECT ANSWER:
Possible Cause: alloantibody
Resolution: Identify antibody. Xmatch units neg for corresponding antigen
2 week deferral - CORRECT ANSWER: measles (rubeola), mumps, polio, typhoid,
yellow fever vaccines
4 week deferral - CORRECT ANSWER: rubella, chicken pox (varicella zoster) vaccine
76-year-old female diagnosed with urosepsis was transfused 2 units of packed red
blood cells. Her type was AB positive with a negative antibody
screen. The units transfused were AB positive. Upon receiving the second unit, the
patient became hypoxic with tachypnea. The clerical check
was acceptable and DAT negative. She received 269 mL from the second unit before a
reaction was
called. Her temperature fell from 38°C to 36.4°C, her pulse increased from 72 to 90, and
respirations rose from 35 to 41. Her BP was 110/70. The
patient expired approximately 12 hours from the time the reaction was called. What type
of reaction was most likely present?
A. Febrile
B. Symptoms not related to transfusion
C. Allergic
D. TRALI - CORRECT ANSWER: B This case emphasizes the statistic that not all
of death are related to transfusion. The temperature
dropped ruling out a febrile reaction; there was no
evidence of pulmonary edema or hypotension seen with TRALI (and plasma products
are more associated with TRALI than red cells); and there was no sign of
hives or itching, which are often associated with an allergic reaction
95% confidence interval - CORRECT ANSWER: p value < 0.05
3 pos and 3 neg cells for antigen
A 52-year-old male received 2 units of packed red
blood cells as an outpatient in the IV therapy unit. He had a 20-year history of head
trauma and was
quadriplegic. He had recurrent pneumonia and hematuria due to removal of a Foley
catheter. His blood type was A positive with a previously identified anti-Fya. There was
an ABO discrepancy in that the A1 cells were positive. The technologist
attributed the reaction to the Fya antigen being present on the A1 cells. The patient also
had a cold autoantibody. Two units of A-positive packed cells were crossmatched that
were Fya negative, and were compatible. One unit was transfused at
11:30 a.m. without incident. The second unit was transfused at 2:16 p.m., and stopped
at 3:55 p.m.
due to reddish brown-tinged urine discovered in
his collection bag.
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