1. a nurse is providing discharge instructions to a pt who has a prescriptionfor omeprazole
for the tx of GERD, what statement by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching?:
the med reduces stomach acid
(suppressing production of gastric acid, reduces baseline acid level and blocksproduction of all
stimulated acid production within 2 hours of an oral dose)
2. a nurse is caring for a pt who has a prescription for HCTZ for the initialtx of
hypertension, what should the nurse recognize as the action of this med?: HCTZ decreases the
reabsorption of sodium and water in the distal renaltubule
3. a nurse is caring for a client who has an infection and is starting to takegentamicin, what
lab test should the nurse monitor to detect an AE of the med?: creatinine
(Cr, BUN, U.O.)
4. a nurse is caring for a pt who has chemo induced anemia, the nurse should expect to
administer which of the following meds to treat the anemia: epoetinalfa
5. a nurse is providing teaching to a pt who has a prescription for buspirone,what info should
the nurse include in the teaching: expect to have a full responsefrom buspirone after 3-4 weeks
6. a nurse is caring for an OA client who is confirmed positive for HIV and willbegin med
therapy, what instruction should the nurse give the client: you willbe prescribed more than
one medication to fight the virus
your medication plan can also include an antibiotic medicationyou will need to take the
medication for the rest of your life
7. a nurse isteaching the partner of a pt who has DM how to manage episodesof sever
hypoglycemia, when the pt is unresponsive, what action should thenurse instruct the pt to do
first?: administer glucagon IM to the client
8. a nurse is providing teaching to a pt who has a new prescription for ranitidine for the tx
of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. the nurse should explain to the client that ranitidine treats
ulcers by which of the following actions?: itreduces gastric acid production
(H2 antagonist)
9. a nurse in the PACU is caring for a pt who hasreceived GA and has a man-ifestation of
malignant hyperthermia, the nurse should expect to administer what med?: dantrolene
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