Which gain will increase the risk of bioeffects?
a. transmit
b. receive
c. gain
d. overall gain - answera. transmit
Which of the following is considered the memory of an ultrasound instrument?
a. pulser
b. transducer
c. receiver
d. beam former
e. digital scan converter
f. display monitor - answere. digital scan converter
Spectral broadening suggest:
a. laminar flow
b. turbulent flow
c. flow away from the transducer
d. flow towards the transducer - answerb. turbulent flow
With pulse wave Doppler axial resolution: - answerdegrades
What color is usually use in color flow Doppler variance map to indicate turbulent flow? - answergreen
Doppler high pass filter eliminates: - answerhigh amplitude signals; low velocity flow
The Doppler wall filter is considered a: - answerhigh pass filter
The Nyquist Limit is equal to:
a. propagation speed x frequency
b. propagation speed/ wavelength
c. PRF/2
d. 4xV^2 - answerc. PRF/2
Multiple echoes, equally spaced originating from a gas bubble is called:
a. comet tail
b. ring down
c. slice thickness artifact
d. multipath - answerb. ring down
An increase in red blood cell velocity will_____ the Doppler Shift:
a. increase
b. decrease
c. not change
d. cannot be predicted - answera. increase
The primary advantage of CW Doppler is:
a. range resolution
b. range discrimination
c. range ambiguity
d. range gating
e. absence of sampling rate - answere. absence of sampling rate
The range for ultrasound begins:
a. 20 Hz
b. 20,000 Hz
c. 2 MHz
d. 15 MHz - answerb. 20,000 Hz (useful frequency range for clinical imaging is 2MHz-10MHz)
Which instrument control affects the amplitude (dB) of the outgoing signal:
a. gain
b. receiver gain
c. TGC
d. transmit gain
e. overall gain - answerd. transmit gain; amplitude can be affected by the sonographer
Which of the following is used to convert Doppler shift information into color:
a. high PRF
b. fast Fourier transform
c. autocorrelation
d. time interval histogram - answerc. autocorrelation
b is incorrect because fast Fourier transform is the method used to process conventional Doppler shift
information but is too slow a method for color Doppler
Pulse repetition frequency - answerNumber of pulses that an ultrasound system transmits into the
body each second. Hz. Typically 4-15 KHz. PRF and depth of a view are inversely related: When system
is imaging deeper, the pulse repetition frequency is lower.
Also the number of pulses created each second
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