AP Gov Institutions of Government Latest Update Latest Update
Constituents - ANS-Residents of a congressional district or state
What are the requirements to be a House member? - ANS-At least 25 years old, citizen for at least 7
What are the requirements to be a Senate member? - ANS-At least 30 years old, citizen for at least 9
years, must be a resident of state elected in
How often are house members re-elected? - ANS-Every 2 years
Reapportionment - ANS-The assigning of congressional seats after census
Gerrymandering - ANS-Drawing district lines to benefit party/group/incumbent
Safe Seat - ANS-Seat almost certain to be won by current holder
Incumbent Advantages - ANS-Don't pay postage in their district, can send bulk e-mails, have greater
access to media, become better candidates through experience
Earmarks - ANS-Additions to bills to get them signed
Bicameralism - ANS-Having a two house legislature
Enumerated Powers - ANS-Powers given in the constitution
What are Congress' enumerated powers? - ANS-Power to raise/make/borrow money, regulate
commerce, declare war, create courts, create patents and copyrights
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